to Spa
to Spa
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[Top screenshot]

There is no model in the picture above, but rather the later management of the Fontamar company. Literally everyone on the team had to do things they didn't think they could do. For example, I had to quickly learn how to take competitive photos like this with a cheap compact camera.

to Spa

to Spa

[1 minute read]

Company Profile

Name: Fontamar

DE, Friedrichskoog, Health, Local, B2C

“Wellness ist - Mit sich und einer Umwelt in Einklang leben und Gesundheit genießen. Mit einem Lächeln dem neuen Tag begegnen und die Lust am Leben spüren.”
“Wellness is - living in harmony with yourself and your environment and enjoying your health. Meet the new day with a smile and feel the joy of life.”
[ in 2004]

Business objective
Transform from a health center to a Spa

In 2003 Fontamar was an insolvent health resort with focus on therapy in Friedrichskoog, Germany. From 2000 a focus on therapy was no longer supported by German Health Insurances. The idea was to transform the focus of the company from Health to Wellness.

Competitor research

After a little competitor research we learned that we have no chance against our biggest competitor next to the east sea. In order to survive, Fontamar needed a complete rebranding and improvements in all areas. The learning curve was steep since I was responsible for all, marketing materials and media, colours, typography, main logo and sub logo, iconography, web site, photos, strategy with the leadership team. But everyone had to do a lot of things well they have never done before.

Coming soon

Read here soon how we actually managed to create a particularly beautiful, relaxing wellness experience for new guests and much more.